Please say hello to our new monogram and logo. It's been about two years now since I was able to trademark the name Classic Girl™ 💕💕💕
This was the name I had wanted for my business when I first started but it took a while to get because another much larger company owned it and while they weren't using it I still needed to wait. You can imagine how excited I was when I found out we could finally get it. 🎉🎉🎉
Then I set out to get the URL and again I was told I couldn't have it because someone else owned it and even though they weren't using it it wasn't for sale. 😢
So, last spring during the pandemic I did a bit of investigating and found out who was the host for this domain name. 🔎 I contacted the host company and asked them if I wrote a letter would they present it to the companies lawyers that owned the URL. ✍️
And the host company said they would present my letter to the lawyers, even though they didn't think I had a chance. 😉
Well, guess what, my letter made its way into the hands of the right person (a kind lawyer) who said YES she can have it! Sometimes all you need to do is ask! 🙌
Now with the push from my Hey Mama mentoring group and an awesome mentor Fran Hauser, I'm making the switch to our new name and URL. 💪
With a new name comes a new monogram and logo. Thanks to the help of an awesome artist Adri Luna Art Studio we have our new logo and monogram.👩🏼🎨
Hopefully, switching our website address doesn't mess up our SEO too bad and any of that good stuff because I'm excited to see our new CG monogram out there! 🥳
I hope you like it! 💕